Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Booking / Enquiry

Medical Imaging Department

18 Fu Kin Street, Tai Wai, Shatin, N.T.

Union Imaging & Healthcheck Centre

9/F, H Zentre, 15 Middle Road, Tsim Sha Tsui

Being equipped with a powerful high field Magnetic Resonance System, Union MRI Centre provides a superior and reliable imaging service. Highly detailed diagnostic images can be produced, with our noninvasive radiowave and advanced computer system, for all parts of the body especially the brain, heart, pine, joints, soft tissues and blood vessels.


Uniqueness of Union MRI Centre

  • The first private hospital to provide MRI service in the New Territories.
  • The unrivalled hardware and software platforms provide the highest level of patient care at the most cost effective price.
  • Short and wide-open magnet bore ensures maximum patient comfort and reduces anxiety.
  • The UNIQUE in-bore camera which travels along with patient during the whole examination achieves close contact between patient and technician.
  • Short examination time with advanced image reconstruction software.

MRI Scan Examination Price List

w.e.f. 1 Nov 2024

Brain (Plain)


Brain + MR Angiogram (Plain)


Pituitary Gland (with contrast)


MR Cholangiogram (Plain)


Abdomen (with contrast)


Abdomen & Pelvis (with contrast)


Cervical / Lumbar Spine (Plain)


Knee (Plain)


*The price is for reference only. Union Hospital reserves the right to amend the information without prior notification.

Booking & Enquiry: 2608 6888 / 2608 3260
WhatsApp: 5239 8260