Request of Duplicate Medical Record

Type of Data Volume Charge
Fee (HK$)*
Duplicate Medical Records
Black & White Copy Per page $5 $180
Colour Copy Per page $10 $180
Duplicate of Photo Per photo $120 $180
Duplicate Medical Imaging
Film Per film $110 $180
CD Per CD (First application) Nil Nil
  Per CD (Subsequence application) $200 $180
Booklet Per Exam $350 $180
Medical Report
Insurance Company Per request TBC by doctor $180
Others Per request TBC by doctor $180
Physiotherapy Medical Report Per request $700 $180
Inpatient Insurance Claim Form
During Hospitalization First 2 applications
Per request (Subsequence application)
TBC by doctor
**After Discharged Per request $800 $180
Outpatient Insurance Claim Form
**EMC Per request $200 $180
**SOPD Per request TBC by doctor $180
Birth Certificate Per request $300 -
Attendance Record Per request $300 -
Other Enquiry Per request $300 up -

The price is for reference only. Union Hospital reserves the right to amend the information without prior notification.

*The Administration fee is non-refundable.

**48 hours after discharged, additional administrative fee will be incurred