Clinical Performance Indicators

Union Hospital’s performance was described using the Clinical Indicators from the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards (ACHS).

A total of 53 quantitative and comparable clinical indicators were collected in the second half of 2023. Among them, 23 clinical indicators performed statistically significantly better than the International Peer Aggregate Rate:

Set Indicator Name Union Hospital's Rate 99% Confidence Interval for Union Hospital's Rate International Peer Aggregate Rate
Anaesthesia and Perioperative Care Unplanned stay in recovery room > 2 hours 0.007% (0.000 – 0.025) 2.229%
Anaesthesia and Perioperative Care Unplanned intersive care unit admission within 24 hours after procedure 0.035% (0.000 – 0.076) 0.077%
Emergency Medicine Australasian Triage Scale Category 2 - medically assessed and treated within 10 minutes 100.00% (96.500 – 100.000) 67.059%
Emergency Medicine Australasian Triage Scale Category 3 - medically assessed and treated within 30 minutes 97.033% (96.398 – 97.668) 68.227%
Emergency Medicine Australasian Triage Scale Category 5 - medically assessed and treated within 120 minutes 98.544% (97.916 – 99.172) 90.224%
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Failure to reach caecum / neo-terminal ileum due to inadequate bowel preparation 0.000% (0.000 – 0.085) 0.400%
Gynaecology Injury to a major viscus during non-endoscopic surgery 0.091% (0.000 – 0.326) 0.409%
Hospital-Wide Unplanned return to the operating room during the same admission 0.054% (0.000 – 0.117) 0.231%
Hospital-Wide Inpatients who develop one or more pressure injuries 0.000% (0.000 – 0.005) 0.026%
Hospital-Wide Inpatient falls 0.020% (0.006 – 0.034) 0.261%
Hospital-Wide Inpatient falls resulting in fracture or closed head injury 0.000% (0.000 – 0.005) 0.007%
Hospital-Wide Significant adverse blood transfusion events 0.000% (0.000 – 0.024) 0.088%
Infection Control Reported parenteral exposures sustained by staff 0.006% (0.000 – 0.014) 0.027%
Infection Control Reported non-parenteral exposures sustained by staff 0.000% (0.000 – 0.005) 0.007%
Intensive Care Adult discharge delay for more than 12 hours 0.000% (0.000 – 6.155) 21.383%
Intensive Care Venous thromboembolism prophylaxis in adult patients within 24 hours of intensive care unit admission 100.00% (94.050 – 100.000) 91.670%
Maternity Term neonates - Apgar score less than 7 at 5 minutes post-delivery 0.061% (0.000 – 0.219) 1.098%
Maternity Term neonates - transferred or admitted to a neonatal intensive care nursery or special care nursery at birth whose length of stay exceeds 24 hours 1.166% (0.483 – 1.850) 7.007%
Medication Safety Medication errors – adverse event requiring intervention 0.000% (0.000 – 0.005) 0.045%
Oral Health Restorative treatment - teeth retreated within 6 months 0.475% (0.000 – 1.336) 6.345%
Pathology Serum / plasma potassium for emergency department - receipt in laboratory to validated time < 40 minutes 78.125% (59.344 – 96.906) 51.021%
Pathology Anatomic Pathology complexity level 4 Medicare Benefits Schedule item - received to validated time < 4 working days. 95.556% (90.997 – 100.000) 81.952%
Pathology Misidentified episodes 0.000% (0.000 – 0.014) 0.291%

There were 2 clinical indicators performed statistically significantly worse than the International Peer Aggregate Rate:

Set Indicator Name Union Hospital's Rate 99% Confidence Interval for Union Hospital's Rate International Peer Aggregate Rate
Emergency Medicine Australasian Triage Scale Category 4 - medically assessed and treated within 60 minutes 66.334% (65.672 – 66.995) 71.421%
Pathology Anatomic Pathology complexity level 6 & 7 Medicare Benefits Schedule item - received to validated time < 7 working days. 82.813% (70.693 – 94.932) 95.502%