Press Release

Date Title
29 August 2024 Union Hospital Introduces Hong Kong’s First Dual Source Photon-Counting CT Scanner: Rapid Scan in Seconds; Up to 70% Less Radiation Dose
14 March 2022 仁安醫院增撥二成約 80 張病床 接收公院轉介非新冠病人 涵蓋多個專科 舒緩公營醫療壓力
7 April 2021 仁安醫院開業廿六載 迎來第 100 萬名客人
16 April 2019 仁安醫院推出手機APP「候診易 」及「查藥易」
27 September 2018 坐骨神經痛與常見脊椎疾患 - 新一代手術治療方案
16 Oct 2017 仁安醫院(科學園)分科診所正式開幕
27 Sept 2017 Expansion Opening of Union Endoscopy and Day Surgery Centre
21 Jul 2015 HKSI and Union Hospital Cooperate for Athletes' Emergency Medical Treatments
13 Jan 2014 仁安醫院引入水刀自體脂肪移植乳房重塑技術
11 Sep 2013 Union Hospital Pioneers To Introduce ENDO EYE FLEX 3D Laparoscopic System in Hong Kong
09 Aug 2012 仁安醫院成立綜合肝臟治療中心 提供內外科綜合治療
12 July 2012 Union Hospital Charity Programme Launches Charitable Transcatheter Renal Denervation Procedures Helping Patients with Resistant Hypertension
07 Nov 2011 Union Hospital Successfully Performed Hong Kong's First Seven Transcatheter Renal Denervation Procedures Medical Breakthrough in Treatment of Resistant Hypertension
25 Oct 2011 仁安醫院率先引進iPAD2
27 Oct 2010 仁安醫院「仁心仁術慈善計劃」
08 July 2010 Union Hospital Awarded 7 Extensive Achievements
in ACHS Organization Wide Survey
15 March 2010 慶祝三八婦女節及母親節 仁安醫院推出婦女健康檢查優惠
25 February 2010 Union Hospital Announced the Grand Opening of Green Café
28 January 2010 Union Hospital launches Mobile Clinical Solution
2 May 2009 Union Hospital Emergency Response Level Is Activated
18 March 2009 Union Hospital, Hear Talk Foundation and Christian Action
Press conference of Children Charity Operation Programme
8 November 2008 Opening of Union Plastic and Aesthetic Centre
17 September 2008 仁安醫院小兒腎結石普查套餐
14 July 2008 Union Hospital Open-heart Surgery Package Scheme
8 April 2008 Union Gastrointestinal and Liver Centre Comes Into Service
12 March 2008 Union Hospital Sets Up The First Private Emergency Medicine Centre in Hong Kong
…Showing the way forward for healthcare and
easing the burden on emergency medical services in New Territories East.
7 March 2008 仁安醫院流感高峰期特別應變措施
1 March 2008 慶祝三八婦女節及母親節 仁安醫院推出多項婦科檢查優惠 (3月8日-5月31日)
11 December 2007 Union Hospital “Healing Heart Initiative” Charity Programme and Hear Talk Foundation Worked Together to Arrange Acoustic Neuroma Removal for a Mainland Girl
21 November 2007 Physical Fitness Enhancement Program
7 November 2007 Health Roadshow & Seminars on 16-18 Nov
17 Octobert 2007 Union Hospital and Cathay Pacific / Dragonair Holidays Join Hands to Launch Medical Care Packages in Major Cities in China
6 Octobert 2007 仁安醫院「關注乳房」免費健康講座及乳房檢查優惠推廣
30 August 2007 Relocation of Union Hospital Polyclinic (Tsim Sha Tsui)
15 August 2007 簡介本院於香港國際醫療及保健服務展之「現場直播手術」環節詳情及個案分享
13 August 2007 香港國際醫療及保健服務展2007 仁安醫院展覽活動
11 June 2007 Father's Day Health-check Special Offers
4 June 2007 Ultra-thin Endoscopy Significantly Improves Patient's Tolerance as Compared to Conventional Endoscopy in Screening Upper Gastrointestinal Diseases in Adults
5 May 2007 Health Check Roadshow On 12 May
20 April 2007 Union Heart Centre In-service with the First-ever Full Integration of the IVUS Functionality in Catheterization Laboratory in Asia
15 March 2007 Union Hospital Launches the First Bariatric Surgery Clinic in China (Hong Kong)
3 March 2007 Women's Health Promotion 2007
23 January 2007 Maternity Booking and Arrangement of Pregnant Mothers from Mainland China
10 January 2007 Union Hospital, Operation Concern and Ronald McDonald House Charities TM of Hong Kong “New Life” Charity Programme
1 January 2007 仁安醫院,2007年首位嬰兒誕生
29 December 2006 仁安醫院分科診所(荃灣),一月投入服務及一月健康活動
22 December 2006 仁安醫院榮獲全港首個家庭品牌網上選舉「我最喜愛醫護中心服務大獎」
12 December 2006 Booking and Surcharge System for Obstetric Clients to
Union Hospital
1 November 2006 Opening of Union DHI Hair Centre
30 May 2006 仁安醫院 - 父親節獻禮 : 多項健康檢查優惠
15 March 2006 引進嶄新微創脊椎手術
7 March 2006 三八婦女節及母親節 多項婦科檢查優惠推廣
18 January 2006 仁安醫院「紅色感染控制應變警示」演習
25 November 2005 仁安醫院分科診所(將軍澳)喬遷新址十一月投入服務
7 October 2005 仁安醫院與你剖析各類心臟檢查的內容 - 安「心」計劃令你更安心!
13 August 2005 全港最新微創手術系統
於第七屆亞太區內鏡及微創手術醫學會議 現場直播手術過程
12 August 2005 Union Hospital is the First Hospital to Install the System in Hong Kong
15 September 2004 傳統血液透析的另類選擇:血液透析過濾
仁安為腎友推出免費檢驗套餐 每年可節省高達$8,220
30 July 2004 仁安醫院引入「早孕期唐氏綜合症篩查」超聲波量度胎兒頸皮厚度,驗唐氏綜合症九成準

* Content in Chinese Version Only