1 |
Standard Room |
2 |
Semi-Private Twin Room |
3 |
Semi-Private Single Room (With a companion bed. Room charge is excluded) |
4 |
Private Room (Exclusive of room charges) |
5 |
Maternity Meal Package |
1 |
Standard Room |
2 |
Semi-Private Twin Room |
3 |
Semi-Private Single Room (With a companion bed. Room charge is excluded) |
4 |
Private Room (Exclusive of room charges) |
5 |
Maternity Meal Package |
1 |
Standard Room |
2 |
Semi-Private Twin Room |
3 |
Semi-Private Single Room (With a companion bed. Room charge is excluded) |
4 |
Private Room (Exclusive of room charges) |
5 |
Maternity Meal Package |
1 |
Elective Caesarean Section requested to be performed on Sundays, public holidays, or between 09:30pm and 7:00am daily, or for Elective Caesarean Section being completed after 10:00pm daily. |
2 |
Elective Caesarean Section requested at auspicious hours |
3 |
Non-Booking Caesarean Section
(additional fee for Operating Room) |
4 |
Elective Induction On Saturday, Sunday and public holidays |
5 |
Epidural Anaesthesia |
6 |
Assisted Instrumental Delivery |
7 |
Twin or Multiple Pregnancy |
8 |
Postpartum Sterilization performed during Caesarean Section |