Know Your Heart Health Screening Package
Checkup Item | Plan 1 | Plan 2 | Plan 3 |
Doctor's Consultation |
Doctor's Consultation & Assessment (First Visit) | | | |
Doctor Consultation and Medical Report Anaylsis (Second Visit) | | | |
Basic Health Assessment |
Physical Examination (Body Weight, Height, Pulse, Blood Pressure) and Health History Assessment | | | |
BMI (by Calculation) | | | |
Laboratory Tests |
Blood Analysis |
Complete Blood Count | | | |
Lipid Profile (HDL & LDL) |
Cholesterol | | | |
Triglyceride | | | |
HDL, LDL | | | |
Diabetic Screening |
Fasting Glucose | | | |
Renal Functions |
Full Renal Function Tests (8 tests) | | | |
Urine Tests |
Urinalysis (20 items) | | | |
Medical Imaging |
X-Ray |
Chest X-Ray | | | |
CT |
CT Coronary Angiogram | | | |
CT Extra Cardiac Screening | | | |
CT Calcium Score | | | |
Other Item |
Cardiac Health Screening |
Resting Electrocardiogram | | | |
Treadmill | | | |
Nutritional Management |
Dietitian Consultation | | | |
Detailed Medical Report | | | |
Original Charges | $5,842 | $6,122 | $15,242 |
Package Charges | $4,000 | $4,200 | $8,300 |
Checkup Item | Plan 1 |
Doctor's Consultation |
Doctor's Consultation & Assessment (First Visit) | |
Doctor Consultation and Medical Report Anaylsis (Second Visit) | |
Basic Health Assessment |
Physical Examination (Body Weight, Height, Pulse, Blood Pressure) and Health History Assessment | |
BMI (by Calculation) | |
Laboratory Tests |
Blood Analysis |
Complete Blood Count | |
Lipid Profile (HDL & LDL) |
Cholesterol | |
Triglyceride | |
HDL, LDL | |
Diabetic Screening |
Fasting Glucose | |
Renal Functions |
Full Renal Function Tests (8 tests) | |
Urine Tests |
Urinalysis (20 items) | |
Other Item |
Cardiac Health Screening |
Treadmill | |
Nutritional Management |
Dietitian Consultation | |
Detailed Medical Report | |
Original Charges | $5,842 |
Package Charges | $4,000 |
Checkup Item | Plan 2 |
Doctor's Consultation |
Doctor's Consultation & Assessment (First Visit) | |
Doctor Consultation and Medical Report Anaylsis (Second Visit) | |
Basic Health Assessment |
Physical Examination (Body Weight, Height, Pulse, Blood Pressure) and Health History Assessment | |
BMI (by Calculation) | |
Laboratory Tests |
Blood Analysis |
Complete Blood Count | |
Lipid Profile (HDL & LDL) |
Cholesterol | |
Triglyceride | |
HDL, LDL | |
Diabetic Screening |
Fasting Glucose | |
Renal Functions |
Full Renal Function Tests (8 tests) | |
Urine Tests |
Urinalysis (20 items) | |
Medical Imaging |
X-Ray |
Chest X-Ray | |
Other Item |
Cardiac Health Screening |
Treadmill | |
Nutritional Management |
Dietitian Consultation | |
Detailed Medical Report | |
Original Charges | $6,122 |
Package Charges | $4,200 |
Checkup Item | Plan 3 |
Doctor's Consultation |
Doctor's Consultation & Assessment (First Visit) | |
Doctor Consultation and Medical Report Anaylsis (Second Visit) | |
Basic Health Assessment |
Physical Examination (Body Weight, Height, Pulse, Blood Pressure) and Health History Assessment | |
BMI (by Calculation) | |
Laboratory Tests |
Blood Analysis |
Complete Blood Count | |
Lipid Profile (HDL & LDL) |
Cholesterol | |
Triglyceride | |
HDL, LDL | |
Diabetic Screening |
Fasting Glucose | |
Renal Functions |
Full Renal Function Tests (8 tests) | |
Urine Tests |
Urinalysis (20 items) | |
Medical Imaging |
CT |
CT Coronary Angiogram | |
CT Extra Cardiac Screening | |
CT Calcium Score | |
Other Item |
Cardiac Health Screening |
Resting Electrocardiogram | |
Nutritional Management |
Dietitian Consultation | |
Detailed Medical Report | |
Original Charges | $15,242 |
Package Charges | $8,300 |