Well Women Health Screening Package
Checkup Item | Basic A | Basic B | Basic C | Prestige | Premier |
Doctor's Consultation |
Doctor's Consultation & Assessment (First Visit) | | | | | |
Doctor Consultation and Medical Report Anaylsis (Second Visit) | | | | | |
Medical Report Explained by Doctor Via Phone | | | | | |
Basic Health Assessment |
Physical Examination (Body Weight, Height, Pulse, Blood Pressure) and Health History Assessment | | | | | |
BMI (by Calculation) | | | | | |
BMI (by Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis) | | | | | |
Laboratory Tests |
Blood Analysis |
Complete Blood Count | | | | | |
Lipid Profile (HDL & LDL) |
Cholesterol | | | | | |
Triglyceride | | | | | |
HDL, LDL | | | | | |
Diabetic Screening |
Fasting Glucose | | | | | |
HbA1C | | | | | |
bone_metabolism_analysis |
Vitamin D | | | | | |
Cancer Screening |
Pap Smear (Female) | | | | | |
Urine Tests |
Urine Test (Sugar and Albumin only) | | | | | |
Urinalysis (20 items) | | | | | |
Medical Imaging |
Breast Examination |
2D Breasts Mammogram or Breast Ultrasound | | | | | |
Ultrasound |
Pelvis Ultrasound (Transabdominal) | | | | | |
Bone Densitometry |
Bone Densitometry (Spine & Hips) | | | | | |
Other Item |
Nutritional Management |
Dietitian Consultation | | | | | |
Detailed Medical Report | | | | | |
Original Charges | $2,660 | $3,165 | $5,035 | $6,629 | $9,938 |
Package Charges | $1,600 | $2,000 | $3,400 | $3,900 | $6,100 |