Ultrasound (US)

Ultrasound scan is a medical imaging procedure, using high frequency sound waves to produce high-resolution images of the body organs and tissue. The ultrasound transducer collects the receiving signal from the body and displays real time images for accurate diagnosis.

As ultrasound is quick, does not involve ionizing radiation, and is especially suitable for examining children and pregnant women. As it is relatively inexpensive yet accurate, it is widely used for health check purposes in providing an initial diagnosis. It is also used during ultrasound-guided interventional procedures, thus increasing the safety and accuracy of the procedure.

Union Imaging and Healthcheck Centre has installed two state of the art LOGIQ E10 ultrasound machines to provide a high quality ultrasound service.

Features of LOGIQ E10 US

Automatically and continuously focuses the entire image from top-to-bottom.

Higher performance of ultrasound transducers:
Deeper penetration power and higher resolution even in obese people.

Union Imaging & Healthcheck Centre | Ultrasound (US) | Ultrasound Transducers
Union Imaging & Healthcheck Centre | Ultrasound (US) | Ultrasound Transducers

2D shear wave elastography:

  • A technique that quantifies elasticity of the tissue
  • Additional information about the level of suspicion of tissue
  • Widely applied in liver, breast diseases
Union Imaging & Healthcheck Centre | Ultrasound (US) | 2D shear wave elastography
Union Imaging & Healthcheck Centre | Ultrasound (US) | 2D shear wave elastography

B-flow imaging

  • A non-Doppler technique
  • Direct, real-time visualization of blood flow echoes
  • Visualizes even the small blood vessels in organs
Union Imaging & Healthcheck Centre | Ultrasound (US) | B-flow imaging
Union Imaging & Healthcheck Centre | Ultrasound (US) | B-flow imaging

TWO Functions in ONE Digital Device

  1. Remote control device:
    Better comfort for patients and users.
  2. Photo assistant phone:
    Document clinically important information, resulting in more efficient and accurate reporting.
Union Imaging & Healthcheck Centre | Ultrasound (US) | Advanced Digital Platform - Remote control device
Remote control device
Union Imaging & Healthcheck Centre | Ultrasound (US) | Advanced Digital Platform - Photo assistant
Photo assistant
  1. Please wear comfortable and loose-fitting clothing. Changing of examination gown may be needed if necessary.
  2. Please bring all previous films and reports for comparison.
  • Upper abdomen examination

    Fasting (except plain water) for at least 6 hours before the appointed examination time. For child, fasting (except plain water) for 2 hours before the appointed examination time.

  • Pelvis examination

    Plenty of plain water consumption an hour before examination and do not empty bladder until examination is done.

    Clamp the Foley's Catheter 2 hours before the appointed time, if the client's bladder has been catheterized.

  • Pediatric examination

    Please bring extra clothes for your child.

    Please bring their favourite toy with them for comfort.

    In preparation for pylorus ultrasound, please bring a bottle of milk or plain water for infants to be fed in order to fill the stomach during examination.

  • Other examination (breasts, neck)

    No preparation is required

  1. During the procedure, you will lie down on the examination bed and the affected examination area will be positioned into an opening.
  2. Ultrasound gel will be applied on the skin surface of the examination area and a hand-held transducer will be moved over the examination area.
  3. You may need to turn to either side and hold the breath for convenient scanning, please follow the instructions.
  4. An ultrasound examination takes about 30 minutes to complete and may take longer depending on the number of regions and case difficulty.
  5. After the examination, you can wipe away the gel and leave.
  • Please inform our staff if you have any history of allergy to ultrasound gel.